Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

According to my analysis and research (Comments are welcome , I need some for my manuscripts Thanks:"))

Do your homework on the guy

Find out things he likes about girls physically

Use mutual friends to your advantage here.

When you next speak to him properly, steer the conversation around to the internet or computers, and ask if he has Instant Messenger or any social network for more advance knowing

Stand out from the crowd (Do small things to get his attention, like if you already know him make sure you are always there for him if he needs someone to talk to or if he needs to borrow something.)

Let them feel manly!

Keep it real: be natural. Keep them laughing, smiling, and happy

Once you get a guy to like you, try to let go a little TINY bit so they can come. Ask your friends for their opinions if he likes you if you cannot tell. Maybe flirt a little with other guys

Don't change who you are! If you have to, he's definitely not worth it. Be honest, and don't be one of the girls that acts completely different around her boyfriend.

TIPS >.<

  • Don't be afraid to talk to him. What's the worst that can happen?
  • Remember that patience is a virtue.
  • Be understanding. Listen to what he has to say don't go over him.
  • Compliment him. Guys love this!
  • Don't flirt with his close friends. This will just end up with fights between mates.
  • Above all, if the guy doesn't love you for your personality, then he is NOT really in love with you.
  • Never keep hanging on to him when he isn't interested. Men find it annoying when you show up at their house and just won't leave.
  • Learn to take a hint. If the man starts doing something different while you are talking to him, shut up. Wait until he starts talking to you again or quietly help him with what he's doing. Don't try to force his attention to you.
  • Don't put him in a compromising position. Men care about how you feel, even if they are not interested in you romantically. Don't force them to answer a question if they look uncomfortable with it.
  • Be very patient. Men sometimes like more than one girl at a time. (If this is the case then he is not ready for a relationship and should therefore be put in the friend category. Fun to hang around with, but not deserving of the cookies.)
  • Don't appear/be too easy, and yet don't be stuck-up and snobbish. A man doesn't want to think he's never getting any sex, but he also doesn't want to get it that easy. Guys like a challenge.
  • Do not get between him and his friends. A man will always put his mates before you, unfortunately you need to accept this, or his friends might think of a way to get rid of you.
  • Don't say you love him if you don't really mean it, they might become obsessive. Also, don't say those three little words until you reckon he loves you too.
  • Don't EVER cheat. If he loves you and you don't love him, tell him that in a calm and caring manner. People get hurt when a man's ego gets smacked down.
  • Be what he needs. Be sure to have that something he cannot live without, you don't have to be pretty to be precious.
  • Don't put on too much make-up. Xmas trees are not hot. Natural is the best.
  • Don't get an attitude when you see something on T.V. In fact, don't pull an attitude for any dumb reason. Men think you are immature if you have an attitude.
  • Respect him if he respects you. Do not shoot down everything he says if he listens to every word you say. This is pretty much both ways.
  • Don't get mad if he puts down a sports team you like. You will always be more important than sports.
  • Be the jealous girl. Guys Like to know that you care enough to get jealous.
  • Blush. Or pretend to. It's been scientifically proven that girls who blush when looked at make men fall in love with them.
  • Don't make him feel worthless by ranting on and on about your exes. If you say what you dislike in your exes, he might be put off, as most men have the same faults, like leaving the toilet seat up or biting their nails.
  • And most of all, be yourself. If a guy can not fall in love you for you just being you.. then he's not the one
  • Do NOT be annoying and obssesive; if he says he wants to be just friends, accept it, but show that you're not giving up.
  • Give him enough space.Let him hang out with his friends , and once in a while say that you can't come.This will make you find out if he really wants you to be around him or not.

DONTS Warnings!!!!!!!!!

  • Don't look like a stalker! Therefore, only tell a few close friends you've been secretly watching his every move :)
  • Don't look at him too much. If you do so, he might feel that you're too easy and will no longer be interested.
  • If you wanna catch his eye do something but don't keep staring or people will notice and point it out the he get's put off.
  • When he comes on MSN/Instant messenger don't talk to him straight away, you will seem obsessed and annoying.
  • Don't, DO NOT!!, whine, complain or that will turn them off.
  • Do not text them every day either, there will be nothing to talk about in person and will get annoyed.
  • Do not text him over and over again if he doesn't reply to your first text. That will make him annoyed.

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